10 Myths and Truths About Green Tea

Os Mitos e Verdades sobre o chá verde

Green tea is of plant origin "Camellia sinensis", green tea has its sheets placed under steam and then are dried, so it has different properties of white tea and black tea. thereby the rust-preventing ingredients and preserve up the nutrients. With the promise to lose weight, he turned fever in Brazil, but you know how green tea should be consumed to have the desired effect ?, Green tea helps you lose weight ?, How many cups should consume per day ?, It is good for health ? Check out which sound the myths and truth about verde.Os tea Myths and Truths about green tea 1. Green tea consumption can help you lose weight?

Truth. The compounds present in green tea have an ability to act on the sympathetic nervous system, which regulates fat burning. green tea increase the burning of calories, prevents the deposit of fat in the body and regulates body weight. See How I managed to lose about 18.5 kg to be exact in 12 weeks with green tea!

2. To lose weight, I can drink green tea all day?

Partly true. Green tea is rich in caffeine, tea can interfere with sleep quality, especially if consumed after 17 hours and also in case of people who already have a tendency to insomnia.

3. A cup of green tea with meals is enough to lose weight?

Myth. According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea has the power to increase by 4% the burning of body fat in people who ingest the amount stipulated by the American Dietetic Association (ADA): 4-6 cups daily. Also Read How LOSE Natural Form and Healthy at 12 weeks or less with the use of green tea!

4. You should only drink green tea who want to lose weight?

Myth. Studies have shown that daily consumption of green tea can do good for health. Research indicates that the drink has a positive influence in the treatment of inflammation, prevent various types of cancer, prevents hypoglycemia and clogging of the arteries.

5. Green tea consumption protects the heart?

Truth. Regular consumption of green tea is related to the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases. Several studies show a lower rate of cardiovascular disease and mortality among green tea consumers. Moreover, it also helps in lowering cholesterol levels and in controlling blood pressure.

6. Green tea should not be sweetened?

Partly true. It is not recommended to use white sugar or artificial sweetener to sweeten any tea, but honey can be a good alternative for those who can not consume the drink natural.

7. Green tea consumption increases the longevity?

Truth. Green tea is extracted from the Camellia sinensis plant, it is a good source of catechins and polyphenols, antioxidants that act in the fight against free radicals responsible for the aging of cells. So who drink green tea daily keeps not only the youthful appearance, but also ensures metabolism in form.

8. teabag and the effervescent are efficient as natural grass?

Truth. teabag or Fizzy version have the same substances from the herb leaves Camelia sinensis, but in different concentrations of natural grass, which is more powerful. Look for purchasing products made from fresh leaves, which have the greatest potential for action.

9. The beverage of action in the body is not related to their way of preparation?

Myth. The best way to prepare tea based on natural herbs is in the ratio of 1 gram of leaves to 100 ml of water. Leave to infuse for five minutes at a high temperature, around 80 ° C. To take advantage of all its beneficial properties, it is recommended to eat drink no more than 15 minutes after preparation. also read the 13 Reasons to Drink Green Tea!

10. There are no contraindications for the consumption of green tea?

Myth. People "suffering from heart disease," got it right? people who already have problems as hypertension and pregnant women should not consume green tea. The beverage has a high concentration of theophylline, which is a potent vasoconstrictor, and may promote an increase in blood pressure, leading to irregular heart rates, known as arrhythmias.

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